When Scott Brown became Senator of Massachusetts in 2010, it was a huge blow to the Commonwealth and to the country. He ran for Senate in the special election after the death of Ted Kennedy. His victory, at the height of the Tea Party uprising, flipped the Senate to a Republican majority, putting Obama’s agenda in severe jeopardy. In 2012, Brown ran again. Our job was to do our part to help make sure he lost. He did. And we welcomed in Senator Elizabeth Warren. The rest is history.
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Scott Brown’s catchphrase during his Senate campaign was “I’m Scott Brown. And I drive a truck.” so he’d come off as a regular guy –even though he was also called “Wall Street’s Favorite Senator.” To counter this false image, we made a video showing that Democrats are every bit as “regular guy” as Scott Brown. And more so.
Amidst the race of Scott Brown vs. Elizabeth Warren, Ms. Warren was being tagged with the name “Pocahontas” by people questioning her claim of Native American ancestry. We did some oppo research and uncovered an even bigger conundrum: Was Scott Brown really White?